Here are some fun highlights from the past few months... things have been slightly hectic around here so just try to keep up! We had 2 weeks of snow days in February and the boys had a blast! It was great having Ashley home a lot also because its hard getting these 3 dressed when you are 7 months pregnant! Davis is wearing Bennett's old snowsuit and I love that he looks like a blueberry! All of my boys have worn that snowsuit!

Easter-- They are so handsome!
Quick game of ball with Palmer on their way to Disney!
Just because I love this picture of Ash and Davis!
The boys started Tball this spring and after several games of bribery, they finally made it through a game without asking "Is it time to go home yet?"
We said goodbye to our beloved Boomer this May. He was our dog for over 15 years! I brought him home from Abilene, and he was in heaven with all the land, creek, and neighbors to feed him! My boys loved him so much, and he loved them right back!
Car washing is serious business folks... except for some who just steal your Starbucks Frappachino..
Charlie's last day of school and also his Field Day! Cannot believe he will be in Kindergarten next year!
Ms. Brooke--Charlie's amazing teacher who has poured so much love, encouragement, and skills into this kid! She told me she would get him ready for K in the fall, and she has done that! We love her so much--she is that teacher that we will never forget!
William's school picture---so stinking cute!
Davis started school in May...
Here we go again!!
Cooper Mitchell Clayton was born on May 5, 2015 at 8:03 am and weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces! We are over the moon
in love with him!
My awesome Dr. Trabue who has safely delivered all of my boys! He did this delivery on a broken leg!
Charlie got to skip school to meet his new brother!
The boys, well Davis, didn't know what to make of little Cooper...
The boys came to take us home!
Traditional first bath from Grana!
Here are some sweet newborn pictures from my friends Danielle Rothman and Tori Wharton...
My guys...melt my heart..
So while things are crazy around here every second, my heart has never felt more full! I love my little family that isn't so little anymore! These boys will keep me on my toes...but that is just fine! If only I could sleep just a little!