Sunday, April 07, 2013

Here are some pictures from Easter, and even though it was quite chilly outside, I made the boys were their sandals and cute outfits! They didn't seem to mind too much that they were freezing their Easter bunnies off! 

This just absolutely melts my heart...

Celebrating Nana's Birthday!

Over Spring Break, mom and I took the boys to go visit Travis and Kelly and the kiddos! The kids had a blast together! So glad we got to see eachother!

Jackson and William were hilarious! They would follow each other around, then just fall down for no apparent reason, and crack up laughing!


Sweet Reagan...This little doll has the pretties eyes I have ever seen!! Loved giving her tons of kisses!

We went to Palm Sunday service where Bennett and the other children came out and waved palm leaves and sang a sweet song... another precious moment!

Bennett loved having William  and Charlie crawl all over his bed!

I told Charlie to come 90 and let Reagan come the last 10---he ended up going 110%!

Mr. Macaroni Head

William found the camera on my phone and wanted to take pictures of his face...

We had a short visit with our Michigan cousins, but the kids made the most of their time! Charlie LOVED Palmer--I still can't believe how old Palmer is! It was just yesterday he was just a little guy like Charlie!

Lainey Hope is such a beautiful and sweet girl! 

 Popper passing down some of the Speck skills...

I love this..notice what William is reading..clearly he is more advanced and wants to read instruction manuals instead of Sesame Street.

Every night after bath, the boys love to act like superhero's and run around the room..

Its still hard to believe that in a few short months there will be another baby around here! My blog posts will be even fewer and farther between, but it will get done somehow! Hopefully :)