I feel like I have aged 10 years in the past week.
For the most part, Ash has done most of the house planning stuff. I have picked out faucets with him, and we did doorknobs and deadbolt together for the most part. The big things up to this point Ash has done and I have really cared because I trust him. Well, these past several days I have been working on cabinets. Kitchen and bathroom cabinets. This has ultimately made me want to throw myself in front of a semi-truck.
I dont know anything about measuring, countertops, etc. I just pick out the color, and so far I have gone over budget on everything. (this should not surprise anyone)
Today I met with the cabinet lady at our new house and talked about the kitchen and then she moved to the bookshelves in the great room. I was clearly not prepared to talk about bookshelves in the great room, therefore I began to panic and start crying on the inside. I stink at this house junk!! I have no idea what I am doing!
After work, I met Ash at his office to see some guy about life-insurance and disability. About hhmm, 45 seconds into his presentation, I was thinking about cabinets and about which scrubs I was going to wear tomorrow. All of his mumbo-jumbo, I could not understand what he was talking about. Every once in awhile, he would look at me for approval, to which I would just smile and nod. (I knew there were some hidden M&M's somewhere in the room we were in, and if I could just get to them before he saw me I would be in better shape. )
Lucky for me, Ash is really smart and can handle all this junk. I told the guy that this was all grown-up stuff and I felt to young to do this now. He promptly reminded me of my age, (thank you Mr. Mumbles) and that I did need to be prepared. geez.
so, i feel better after venting my house and insurance problems. Please keep me in mind Friday and I have to make decisions on bathroom vanities(colors), tile, hardwood floor color, fabric, and now bookshelves all before 2:00. If anyone wants to fly to Nashville and do this for me, you have my nod of approval. :)