Tuesday, October 04, 2005


ok--4 hours into the no dessert situation, I broke down. I had 2 Pillsbury Funfetti cupcakes. they were amazing. I know, pathetic.

Prior to that, we had a healthy dinner and had worked out that day. We were about to watch our other guilty pleasure, Desperate Housewives, when Ash said he was in the mood for cupcakes. I begged him not to make any, but when the aroma filtered through the air, it was all i could do to even control myself to 2 cupcakes. So, with our bellies full and our minds polluted with filth from the television, my husband and I waddled into bed. We felt guilty, but tomorrow was a new day.

the next day, monday night, was my mom's birthday. We made dinner for her and dad and had presents, balloons, and tons-o-fun. When it came time for her German Chocolate Cake, i thought-"MERE, you can do this. .just don't even look at it. the cake is not there. "

Then the German cake yelled at me saying, "LOOK AT ME FATTIE!! I LOVE YOU AND I KNOW YOU LOVE ME! I AM SO YUMMY!! "

So, since it was mom's birthday, and the Germans are always bigger than Americans, I ate a piece of cake. I also made mom take it with her to school so the vultures (other teachers) could eat the rest of the cake. So, I failed miserably, but today I have done fine. I had a sugar-free popsicle whilst my hubby had a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. I am a like a stone wall now. Plus, I watched my wedding video tonight. Sweet memories of a day that went by so fast! the video guy definatley got the clip of me stuffing my face with cake!!

at least he got the highlights.

quick side note-Sarah Heijl--give me your email!! i would love to catch up!!
Shanta--you too sista!!


Anonymous said...

Can we watch the wedding video this weekend?!!?!? PUH-LEEESE! Bring it to your mom's.....but we also want to see your apt all set up with the wedding gifts.

Can't wait to see you- we'll have crazy Kath with us, but it should be a lot of fun. Trav looks forward to watching UT beat GA with Ashley......

Shanta said...

ok you win. that was the funniest post yet...i want to see the video tooooooooooo. I know- why don't you guys come to DALLAS instead of that silly zoe conference? I needs to meet Ashley. And, that reminds me that I need to rent Gone with the Wind..
holla: smurray@feesmith.com

leslie said...

Girl, you crack me up. I don't know why you think you are not funny, b/c I am rolling. I can just imagine you saying that.

I am so excited about this weekend! Yes - bring the video. I can't wait to see Cilla dancing to Baby Got Back.

Tell Kandice to get her bootie over to your house on Saturday!

hejlyeah said...

Haha - Germans are bigger than Americans. I about died when I read that. it's hard to resist!

Email me girl, at sarahejl@sbcglobal.net