Thursday, October 13, 2005

In sickness and in health,,,

these are part of the vows that i took less than 2 months ago, and already my love for my new hubby is put to the test. imagine this,,,

you come home early from work. you catch the 5 0'clock episode of ALIAS on TNT. maybe you have some coffee. maybe some ice cream, because as my husband says " if you have dessert before dinner then it is a snack. " henceforth why we continueosly fail at our diet.

then, the door opens with a mighty wind behind it. your knight in shining armor has come home from his day of slaying dragons ( or root canals) and he kneels down beside you as you lay on the couch. he leans in for a fantastic kiss that is sure to rock your world, and then he looks at you and says " Hang on, i think i have egg in my partial." aahhh. look out Fabio.

does this in any way, shape, or form seem romantic to anyone? let me explain.
Ash had #8 pulled today. For those non-dental people out there, your teeth are numbered 1-32 including your wisdom teeth. start at your right side, and 8 is right smack dab in the middle. you know the song" All i want for christmas is my two front teeth?" well, this song has a whole new meaning to me now. i would kill for a #8 tooth.

ash got it knocked in football in high school and the tooth has been dead since. he is getting an implant, but after you pull a tooth, you must wait several months before you can do an implant. so, this "flipper" (picture a retainer with a tooth in the middle) is in there for awhile. apparently all he could eat earlier was eggs, and so they clearly bothered him by being caught in his partial thing.

when he takes it out to observe the damage, and we both are like "cool, awesome!!" he looks like he is from the back woods of Kentucky with " Billy Bob" written on his shirt and his bottom-crack showing. he thinks he looks like a boxer.

but through all this, i still love him and i think he is the most gorgeous man i have ever seen. the hole between 7 and 9 is there for now, but soon will be filled with a pearly white tooth. He looks at it as one less tooth to brush.

why are men's perspectives so skewed? i mean honestly!!


Anonymous said...

Bless the boy's heart.......that has got to hurt! In sickness and in health..........wait, did Randy skip that vow when he married you since it was the fastest ceremony ever?!?!?!

Shanta said...

Just wait until he's got a nasty snotty cold and phlegm for days and looks like a glazed doughnut and THEN wants a kiss. I mean, I said "in sickness and in health" not "through the valley of the shadow of death!"

leslie said...

That is pretty hilarious. It could be a lot worse.

James has a crown on #8!!

I wish you were coming to homecoming! Ashley needs to see your old stomping grounds!